The Herschel Astronomical Society
The Herschel Astronomical Society (HAS) is a group of amateurs
that exists to provide a forum where those keen on astronomy
can meet and share their mutual interests. Monthly meetings
are held in the Slough/Eton area where a mix of internal and
external speakers provide the formal part of the meetings. We
have an Observatory, which is available for all members to use
anytime. Observing meetings are held either at this site or
at members Observatories, and various outings are organised
to places of Astronomical interest.
We aim to cater for all who have an interest in astronomy,
so please contact us regardless of your background or asperations.
If you are looking for help in choosing or using a telescope
there is bound to be someone who can help, and if you have many
years of experience please come and help us promote and build
interest in the hobby. Current members come from all over the Thames Valley, though primarily from Windsor, Slough, Maidenhead, Burnham and Bourne End.

one of our images of M57